
Allyson R. Abbott
Contemporary Romance, Erotic Romance, Women's Fiction, Advice & How To
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Apr 2017
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United Kingdom
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#1 International Bestselling and Award-Winning Author (fiction and non-fiction)
A Blooming Boomer who loves life on the road, making new friends and meeting great people. Life in the slow lane!
After a few full-on years of travelling, which included a year and a half checking out New Zealand, a few Pacific islands, Australia and South Africa, 15months driving around the USA in a motorhome, some quick few weeks visit to Canada, Mexico, Cuba and Spain, Allyson and her husband have now decided to pull over onto the hard shoulder for a while and have settled on the Valencian Province in Spain.
Life is rich, according to Allyson, but she needed time to focus on her writing. It is very easy to get distracted when you see so many beautiful places.
Her books ranges from sweet romance to hot steamy sex and also has a bestselling non-fiction book to her name. She has now switched genres again and her latest book The Equalizer; Foxxy Tipping Point is a Justice/Vigilante Romance based on a woman fed up of being her and other women being the victims. She seeks justice and finds love at the same time.
Allyson enjoys discovering her new characters as she develops the story and is always amazed at how well the turn out. They write the story, not me. They deserve the credit.